Thanks, everyone, for an amazing Second Annual Fun-a-Day NC show! Thanks for sharing in art-making and grape-eating and masterpiece-perusal and all of those wonderful things. We'll post photos here as soon as we can get our laptops, our cameras, and the internet all in the same place.
Some of you took your art home with you after the opening; that's a-ok. For everyone else, your art will stay in the Nightlight for the duration of the month. When Amy takes down the show in mid-April, she'll contact you (using the contact information from your Disclaimer) and figure out a meetup/drop-off/mailing to get your art back to you! Email us at funadaync @ if you have any questions.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Fun-A-Day Disclaimer
Apparently the link to the disclaimer hasn't been working. I've reset the link on the Submission Guidelines post or you can access it here. There will also be printed copies of the disclaimer available from the drop-off sights. If you're having any trouble getting the disclaimer just shoot us an email at funadaync(at)gmail(dot)com.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Fun-A-Day Submission Guidelines
Guess what!? It's March, which means Fun-A-Day is officially over. Now it is time to put on your final touches, submit your artworks for the final Fun-A-Day show and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
The show is on March 11th, 2011 from 5-9 p.m. at the Nightlight in Chapel Hill. It's a free, all-ages show! You can bring people young and old, big and small, to see your Fun-a-day masterpieces.
Remember: the submission deadline for the show is March 9th, which means you should drop off your work or make alternate submission plan with us by that date. We will show ALL the work we receive as long as it pertains to the theme of the show, it is appropriate for an all ages event and it is received by the deadline. If you would like to perform part of your project at the show, please let us know by Wednesday, March 9th by emailing funadaync at
All projects must be submitted with a signed disclaimer, which will be available at the drop-off site. You can also use the Printable Version. We'll be hanging visual artwork on walls, gallery-style, and we'll have tables for larger or three-dimensional pieces. We can't hang your art without a disclaimer!
The disclaimer also gives us your contact info so that we can return your arts to you after the show!
· Drop submissions off between March 2 and March 9. You may bring them to the Southwest Regional Library (3605 Shannon Rd) in Durham at the Children's Information Desk or 1101 W. Main St. Apt C, Carrboro (There will be a box on the porch labeled "Fun-A-Day")
· Mail it to: 1101 W. Main St. Apt C. Carrboro, NC 27510 . We must receive your project by Wednesday, March 9th at noon for inclusion in the show. And don't forget to send it with a DISCLAIMER!
· Make an alternate plan with us. Email funadayNC at to make that plan.
The show is on March 11th, 2011 from 5-9 p.m. at the Nightlight in Chapel Hill. It's a free, all-ages show! You can bring people young and old, big and small, to see your Fun-a-day masterpieces.
Remember: the submission deadline for the show is March 9th, which means you should drop off your work or make alternate submission plan with us by that date. We will show ALL the work we receive as long as it pertains to the theme of the show, it is appropriate for an all ages event and it is received by the deadline. If you would like to perform part of your project at the show, please let us know by Wednesday, March 9th by emailing funadaync at
All projects must be submitted with a signed disclaimer, which will be available at the drop-off site. You can also use the Printable Version. We'll be hanging visual artwork on walls, gallery-style, and we'll have tables for larger or three-dimensional pieces. We can't hang your art without a disclaimer!
The disclaimer also gives us your contact info so that we can return your arts to you after the show!
· Drop submissions off between March 2 and March 9. You may bring them to the Southwest Regional Library (3605 Shannon Rd) in Durham at the Children's Information Desk or 1101 W. Main St. Apt C, Carrboro (There will be a box on the porch labeled "Fun-A-Day")
· Mail it to: 1101 W. Main St. Apt C. Carrboro, NC 27510 . We must receive your project by Wednesday, March 9th at noon for inclusion in the show. And don't forget to send it with a DISCLAIMER!
· Make an alternate plan with us. Email funadayNC at to make that plan.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Craft Party at Nightlight
Hey Fun-A-Dayers! Finding your daily crafting a little lonely? Well craft alone no more! This Wednesday there is a Pre-Valentines craft party at Night Light. Its a craft and potluck party. Folks can bring stuff, use materials provided and enjoy good food and make a valentine for the special someone or knock out another Fun-A-Day! (and look for the perfect piece of wall to display your artworks for the final show). Sweet! This Wednesday (February 9) at 8pm.
$3 donation for materials - but, don't let that stop you!
405 1/2 West Rosemary St. Chapel Hill
$3 donation for materials - but, don't let that stop you!
405 1/2 West Rosemary St. Chapel Hill
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Fun-A-Day has begun!
Who rocked day one? You did! (hopefully)
And guess what? If you didn't, it's not too late to start!
You're probably wondering about now what you're supposed to do with your stuff once you've finished your February of fun, but worry not friend. Submission Guidelines are coming soon, and really they are pretty much the same as last year, but the mailing and drop-off addresses will be different. So no worries. This info will all be up by mid-Feb.
And guess what? If you didn't, it's not too late to start!
You're probably wondering about now what you're supposed to do with your stuff once you've finished your February of fun, but worry not friend. Submission Guidelines are coming soon, and really they are pretty much the same as last year, but the mailing and drop-off addresses will be different. So no worries. This info will all be up by mid-Feb.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Fun-A-Day Tips
So, one of the biggest reasons folks don't participate is the intimidation factor. Sometimes the thought of having to dedicate time everyday to art can be too much. So here's a few tips to help get
past this hurtle.
#1 - Your project doesn't have to be super complicated. If drawing a picture, or knitting a sock, creating a paper sculpture a day seems like too much of a commitment - think small. Try writing down a joke a day, or taking a picture of your cat, or making a paper airplane. Sometimes simple is better.
#2 - Prep your project before February starts. For example, I'm doing a comic a day so I'm laying out my panels this week so all I have to do is draw the images inside.
#3 - Don't stress. It's okay if you miss a day. Yeah, we're trying for 28, but hey, sometimes you get busy and you miss a day or two. No big deal we still want you to be part of the show.
#4 - Here's a picture of a cat visiting St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow - just because.
past this hurtle.
#1 - Your project doesn't have to be super complicated. If drawing a picture, or knitting a sock, creating a paper sculpture a day seems like too much of a commitment - think small. Try writing down a joke a day, or taking a picture of your cat, or making a paper airplane. Sometimes simple is better.
#2 - Prep your project before February starts. For example, I'm doing a comic a day so I'm laying out my panels this week so all I have to do is draw the images inside.
#3 - Don't stress. It's okay if you miss a day. Yeah, we're trying for 28, but hey, sometimes you get busy and you miss a day or two. No big deal we still want you to be part of the show.
#4 - Here's a picture of a cat visiting St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow - just because.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Fun-A-Day FAQ

Fun-A-Day is coming fast. Only 28 days to decide on your project folks! Here's a quick FAQ.
Quick FAQ:
How do I participate in Fun-A-Day?
Choose a project and do it every day in February.
Do I have to sign-up somewhere?
Nope. You don't have to let us know you're doing it until you submit your work.
Who can participate?
Anyone and everyone - Your grandma, your baby, and that guy down the street the more people involved the better! Tell your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors - this is a community event!
Do I have to live in the triangle?
No way. As long as you live in NC you can join in the fun (and really, we're pretty lax about this one. If you submit stuff, we won't turn you away.) If you can't physically attend the final show, you can submit your work via mail or the inter-web (the submission mailing address will be included in the submission guidelines).
Where and When is the final show?
The final show will be on March 11 at the Nightlight in Chapel Hill, from 5-9. The Reception is all free and all ages.
Who do I contact if I have question?
You can post on the blog and we'll get back to you ASAP, or you can email and, again, we will get back to you ASAP.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Fun-A-Day 2011
Guess what? It's time for Fun-A-Day 2011! That's right folks, a year has passed already. Where has the time gone?
We've got the venue and date set for the final show and you have a month and a half to decide what format your fun-a-day will take this year. If you're new to fun-a-day, here's the premise, you make one of something everyday for the month of February. Once you've completed your 28 "arts" you submit them to us and then everyone who participated gets together at the Nightlight on the 2nd Friday in March and puts on a show to display all of the awesomeness we created. If you want a more info check out our FAQ.
Submission Guidelines, dates, etc will be posted soon.
We've got the venue and date set for the final show and you have a month and a half to decide what format your fun-a-day will take this year. If you're new to fun-a-day, here's the premise, you make one of something everyday for the month of February. Once you've completed your 28 "arts" you submit them to us and then everyone who participated gets together at the Nightlight on the 2nd Friday in March and puts on a show to display all of the awesomeness we created. If you want a more info check out our FAQ.
Submission Guidelines, dates, etc will be posted soon.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Mission Accomplished!
Well Folks, Fun-A-Day NC went off without a hitch (ahem... 6 months ago). Lack convenient internet (and motivation I suppose) has kept me from posting the pictures from our Art Show, but now with my new found in-home internet, I present thee with Fun-A-Day NC 2010.
Angela and Amy celebrate a job well done.
As February's half-birthday approaches (August!) it occurs to me that this beautiful, sunny, and steamy month is a perfect time to find the inspiration that will help carry you through the February gloom. Basically what I'm saying is: It's never too early to start planning your Fun-A-Day.
Our youngest artist overwhelmed by his throngs of admiring fans.
DJ Lioness spins some sweet soul tunes.
"Is that a giant mustache envelope?" you ask. Why yes, of course it is.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Submit Your Art!
For the visual learners among you, we've created this little easy-to-follow photo post about how to submit your Fun-a-day artwork for inclusion in the March 13th show at Nightlight.
1. Collect your 28 days' worth of art.

2. Sign the disclaimer. This covers our butts in case someone leans on your art (which, of course, they won't), and also gives us your contact info.

3. Put your art and disclaimer together (we suggest an envelope) so that we know which disclaimer goes with which art.

4. Mail your submission to 1101 W. Main St. Apt C. Carrboro, NC 27510 OR bring your submission to the porch of 103 Lindsay St., Carrboro, where you'll see this very official submission box:

5. Put your art and your disclaimer in the box.

You're done! Wasn't that easy? Now invite everyone you know to come to the Fun-a-day art show on March 13th at the Nightlight from 5-9 p.m. It's free and all-ages!
1. Collect your 28 days' worth of art.
2. Sign the disclaimer. This covers our butts in case someone leans on your art (which, of course, they won't), and also gives us your contact info.
3. Put your art and disclaimer together (we suggest an envelope) so that we know which disclaimer goes with which art.
4. Mail your submission to 1101 W. Main St. Apt C. Carrboro, NC 27510 OR bring your submission to the porch of 103 Lindsay St., Carrboro, where you'll see this very official submission box:
5. Put your art and your disclaimer in the box.
You're done! Wasn't that easy? Now invite everyone you know to come to the Fun-a-day art show on March 13th at the Nightlight from 5-9 p.m. It's free and all-ages!
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